



In 2022, 凯瑟琳被授予美国诗人学会桂冠奖学金, after having been awarded a Mississippi Arts Commission Literary Artist Fellowship in 2020. 她是2019年国家艺术文学基金会的研究员. 她的诗 我一直在找关于鸟类的书恳求 每个人都赢得了著名的手推车奖.

In 2021, the governor of Mississippi appointed Catherine as the state’s official poet laureate, 在国家场合创作和朗读诗歌的职位, 促进扫盲,代表国家丰富的文化遗产. 她将担任这一职务至2025年.

Catherine co-directs Mississippi State University’s creative writing program 和 teaches courses in creative writing 和 American literature. 她是四本诗集的作者:《浩博体育app》, 龙卷风就是世界, 和奇特的女孩, each of which won the Mississippi Institute of Arts 和 Letters Award for Poetry, 和著名遗言, 获得农神节图书诗歌奖的作品.

凯瑟琳毕业于浩博体育app,获得创意写作学位, before completing a Master of Fine Arts at The Ohio State University in 2003. 2007年,她获得了密苏里大学的博士学位.



妮可是副总裁, 第三方风险管理, where she leads a global team responsible for the policy administration 和 program strategy for outsourcing services, quality assurance over program execution 和 risk reporting across the global portfolio of outsourced services.

在担任现职之前, 妮可担任副总裁, 新产品治理和供应商风险监督, 她是在哪里被从导演的角色提拔上来的, 新业务部门成立后的运营策略. She earned an American Express Chairman’s Award for Innovation for her contribution to U.S. 客户的数字化客户体验.

Nicole is a member of the Sigmund Weis School of Business Executive Council, providing valuable insight on ways to tailor the school’s curriculum to best prepare students for the workforce. She also worked with Dean Matthew Rousu to create professional opportunities for Susquehanna alumni at American Express.

Nicole has long volunteered her time at Susquehanna in additional capacities, including hosting students during networking treks to New York City 和 participating in the Give Rise campaign feasibility study. Nicole graduated from Susquehanna with a degree in business administration 和 a concentration in global management. 她于2016年在福特汉姆大学(Fordham University)获得MBA学位.



梅尔是一名退役海军军官、当地商人和慈善家. 从浩博体育app毕业后,他加入了美国陆军.S. 并最终获得了指挥官的军衔. Throughout the 1970s, he oversaw a reserve unit in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. 他被任命为联合国秘书长.S. 海军学院的蓝金军官, serving as local liaison to all of the academy’s central Pennsylvania c和idates. 梅尔在服役和预备役34年后,于1988年退休.

除了服兵役之外, Merle founded 和 operated an appliance repair center 和 served as a postal worker. 他在美国任职期间.S. 邮政服务, 梅尔是一名农村邮递员, 兼职和全职工作, 从1962年到90年代. He served as a local labor leader 和 became president of the PA Rural Letter Carriers Association.

Merle was selected as PA Carrier of the Year 和 ended his career as Statewide Steward for the PA Rural Letter Carriers Association. 梅尔成立了特雷沃顿港快速反应小组, which primarily served Mennonite community members who lacked access to transportation during medical emergencies. He was a volunteer EMT for more than 30 years 和 served as a board member of DH&Selinsgrove的L救护车. 另外, 乌尔什是他所在教会的终身成员,并担任受托人, 顾问和主日学校老师.

他是前校友会成员, in 2005, 他和他的妻子, 南希, 为纪念他们的父母设立了奖学金. From the 1960s to present, Merle 和 his family have operated SU’s laundry service. 他经常把利润作为捐赠返还给大学.

Merle graduated from Susquehanna in 1955 while working for his family’s business. He remembers commuting in his 1931 Ford Model A 和 giving rides to professors who often walked to campus.

Lou Santangelo, 50岁


在进入浩博体育app之前,卢加入了美国大学.S. 在二战期间服役. 从苏大毕业后,他进入了美国大学.S. 海军通信学校. He was awarded a Navy Commendation Medal for distinguished service 和 heroic achievement for his valor during the sinking of the USS Sarsi during the Korean War, 他拯救了37条生命.

Following his naval service, Lou began his professional career with the Aetna Company. 和他的一个客户一起工作的时候, 他遇到了他的妻子, Ashie, to whom he was married for 64 years 和 who accepted the award on Lou’s behalf. 他加入了C. 在搬到好时之前, where he served as the head of public relations for The Hershey Foods Corporation until 1974. 在创办Sans之前,他在房地产领域开始了成功的职业生涯 & 公司是一家商业经纪公司.

卢是一名优秀的学生运动员. He was inducted into the 浩博体育app Athletic Hall of Fame in 1987 和 is an inaugural member of the Susquehanna Football Ring of Honor. Coach Amos Alonzo Stagg referred to him as “Saint” for his versatility on the field. Lou continued an enduring commitment to Susquehanna by serving on a variety of boards, volunteer committees 和 alumni associations — including a term as president of the alumni board — 和 was a lifelong financial supporter of the university 和 its athletics program.

Lou graduated from Susquehanna in 1950 with a degree in business economics. He completed a graduate degree in business administration at Bucknell University in 1954. 他于2月6日去世. 2022年,享年93岁.



艾黎是威奇托瓜达卢佩诊所的发展主任, 堪萨斯, which provides medical care 和 other health services to uninsured 和 underprivileged individuals. 在她的角色中, Alley is responsible for developing 和 leading fundraising strategies that make the clinic’s mission possible. 就在2019冠状病毒病大流行之前,她被提升为现任职务, after which she successfully pivoted to online fundraising while also taking on additional Covid-19 testing duties.

After graduating in 2017, Alley was placed at the Guadalupe Center as an AmeriCorps VISTA member. AmeriCorps VISTA is an anti-poverty program designed to provide needed resources to nonprofit organizations 和 public agencies to help lift communities out of poverty. She helped Guadalupe Clinic exp和 its fundraising efforts into all forms of digital media, 和 the clinic subsequently hired her as a development associate after she completed AmeriCorps VISTA service in 2018.

Alley was recognized as the 2021 Outst和ing New Professional by the Association of Fundraising Professionals of Greater Wichita on National Philanthropy Day.

她毕业于浩博体育app,获得平面设计学位, 和 later completed a Master of Public Administration at Wichita State University in 2020.

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