May 18, 2021

浩博体育app校长乔纳森·格林和 卢塞恩县社区学院 托马斯·P总统. Leary在LCCC的Greater Susquehanna中心签署了一份双重入学转移协议,该协议将为LCCC毕业生提供进入Susquehanna攻读学士学位的保证.

LCCC students who submit a letter of intent to enter Susquehanna prior to completing 30 transferable credit hours will have the following benefits: guaranteed admission into a parallel bachelor’s degree program with third-year (junior) status at Susquehanna upon completion of their Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree; eligibility for an academic scholarship from Susquehanna of up to $32,000 per year based on their LCCC grade point average at the time of application; and eligibility for an additional $5,如果学生是Phi Theta Kappa荣誉社团的成员,那么浩博体育app每年将提供5000美元的奖学金.

“对于任何为繁荣未来做准备的个人来说,大学教育仍然是一项良好的投资,而浩博体育app已被确定为最受欢迎的大学之一 top 10% 高等教育机构的投资回报。” Green said. “我们期待确保来萨斯奎哈纳完成学士学位的LCCC毕业生的无缝过渡,为更光明的未来做准备.”

“这项新协议是LCCC与宾夕法尼亚州学士学位机构保持强有力的伙伴关系和合作努力的另一个例子,” Leary said. “我们与浩博体育app的合作为我们的学生提供了一个很好的机会,包括无缝转到三年级,以及慷慨的奖学金,这是一个非常实惠的获得学士学位的途径.”
